High Sierra Discovery

My friend Dennis and I were camped on the shores of a lovely Sierra lake at about 10,000 feet. My WhisperLite Internationale was pumped, primed, and purring and breakfast was well on its way. Suddenly an incredible aquatic animal broke the surface of the lake, a mere 10 feet offshore. One can imagine the shock and horror this sight produced. But I was further stunned as I watched my fearless friend go bounding over a series of exposed rocks and leap onto the back of the great beast. There then began a ride the likes of which I had never seen. Dennis was in his glory, riding the startled creature as if it were a bucking bronco. I somehow managed to gather my wits and grab my camera, taking one shot before the water bound behemoth dislodged my friend. At that point the magnificent beast appeared to be as startled and frightened as I was and, in what I think was a purely instinctual reaction, it grabbed Dennis in its mighty jaws and shook him like a rag doll. I knew I must act fast if I were to save his life. I spied the stove, quickly pumped it and opened the control valve fully. The little WhisperLite became a veritable blow torch and it never faltered as I plunged into chest high water after the enraged beast. The tremendous roar of the stove and the sight of the blue flames shooting forth struck panic in the heart of the poor creature. With a violent shake of its mighty head it cast Dennis ashore and then leapt backwards and to my right, disappearing beneath the thrashing surface of the water. We never saw it again, though late that night we heard a most haunting and anguished cry from the middle of the lake. Dennis was shaken but uninjured and, after my admonishments, was truly sorry for his reckless behavior. He now understands the magnitude of our discovery and that a great opportunity was lost. We are planning another trip to the lake in hopes of reestablishing contact with the creature, though this time we are anticipating a kinder and gentler encounter. And of course we shall be taking the WhisperLite, which proved to be a true life saver.